Team ISG

Our team consists of people working in sport for years. Their diverse experience and, above all, great passion and commitment make us able to implement further projects and contribute to positive changes.

We use experience in sports management, sports law and marketing to build competences and increase the standards of operation of sports organizations at various levels and to develop a socially conscious and responsible society.


Good Governance in sports organizations

  • Strategic approach to organisational management
  • Advice for sports organisations
  • Leadership training

Social responsibility of sport

  • Promotion of good practice
  • Non-formal education

International cooperation in the field of sport

  • Exchange of good practice
  • Knowledge transfer
  • International capacity building of Polish organisations

Our mission

Our mission is to lead the way in promoting good governance and social responsibility in the world of sports. We’re dedicated to driving positive change by empowering sports organizations to implement ethical practices and policies.

Our vision

We are guided by a vision of a sports world in which the principles of good governance are universally applied and which is managed in a responsible, sustainable manner and with the needs of society as a whole in mind.

Our team

  • Grzegorz Botwina, PhD


    “What for me is the essence of sport is not the performance of the teams or the players, but above all the social dimension and what sport can give to the local environment. The business of sport is multifaceted and each of these levels should be well managed.”

    Grzegorz Botwina specializes in the subject of good governance and social responsibility in sport. He has experience in the business, government and NGO sectors.

    Grzegorz is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, as well as the Vice President of the European Network for Innovation and Knowledge. In the years 2018-2020 he was the head of the Department of Management and Organization of Training at the Institute of Sport – National Research Institute.

    In the area of good governance and social responsibility, he cooperates with such entities as: the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, Lega Pallavolo, Rugby World Cup France 2023.

  • Paweł Zembura, PhD

    Board Member

    “Sport has enormous potential to positively influence societies. Realising this potential requires a process, strong institutions and knowledge. That is why I am committed to developing our Foundation.”

    Expert in sports policy and physical activity at national and international level, coordinator of significant research projects on this topic, researcher and lecturer at Polish universities.

    Involved, in Poland and internationally, in analyses of good governance in, among others, sports associations (National Sports Governance Observer), anti-doping agencies (National Anti-Doping Governance Observer), or in the field of athletes’ work (Understanding, Evaluating, and Improving Good Governance in the Employment Relations of Athletes in Olympic Sports in Europe).

    Responsible for long-term projects, among which is the analysis of physical activity of children and adolescents in Poland within the international network Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance. Initiator and coordinator of a project to analyse the social responsibility of professional clubs in Poland aimed at promoting CSR in sport and being a reference point for such organisations in this area.

    Member of the Scientific Team of the Polish Anti-Doping Agency POLADA. Research and teaching assistant professor at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. Previously associated with the Centre for Social Challenges at the University of Warsaw.


Statute ISG