Our representatives at sport and business forum Sportbiz 2020

ISG 23 February 2020


We will be present at the Congress, which is the largest meeting of the industry combining sport and business, which will take place on 17-18 March at the PKOL in Warsaw.

Grzegorz Botwina is a member of the chapter deciding on the Demes Statuette Of Sports Business Awards. This is a prestigious task, because DEMOS are the most recognizable awards for the sports industry in Poland.

Paweł Zembura will appear in block C: Local Government Units and the title of his presentation will be:

Financing of sport in the city and region – how to define priorities and enforce the activities of local sports organizations.

In the presentation, he will tell how in local government to set goals of sports strategies that meet the needs and expectations of residents and how to involve different stakeholders in achieving them. The second issue is advice on how to organise relationships with supported sports organisations in order to be able to use them to achieve the broader objectives of local government.

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