Societal impact of elite athletes conference (13/09/2022, Warsaw / online)

ISG 03 September 2022

What is a societal impact of elite Olympic sport athletes? What is a perceived social impact of elite athletes in EU countries? How to develop policies, campaigns and programs that aim to achieve societal impact through athletes as role models?

We invite you to the conference focused on societal impact of elite athletes.

Date: September 13, 2022, 15:00-17:15 (CET)

Place: Warsaw, Poland – Rondo 1 (next to Rondo ONZ), 12 floor, SSW Solutions office or online

Conference language: English

Conference program

  • 15.00 – 15.05 Welcome (Dr. Pawel Zembura, ISG)
  • 15.05 – 15.15 The Athletes4Society Project (Dra. Sofie Smismans, VUB)
  • 15.15 – 15.35 Population survey on the societal impact of elite sport (Dra. Lynn Praet, VUB) 
  • 15.35 – 15.55 Managing the societal impact of elite sport. Necessary steps, good practices (Dr. Jan-Willem van der Roest, Utrecht University)
  • 15.55 – 16.10 Athletes as role models – the context of the Polish Antidoping Agency (Dr. Katarzyna Kopeć-Ziemczyk – Polish Antidoping Agency)
  • 16.20 – 16.35 Coffee break
  • 16.35 – 17.10 Panel debate: challenges and opportunities to societal impact of elite sport
  • 17.10 – 17.15 Future & closing word

About Athletes 4 Society project

The conference is organised as a part of Athletes 4 Society project. The project is funded by European Commission: Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership grant. The project coordinator is Vrije University Brussels (research group Sport and Society), that is one of the thought leaders on measuring social impact of elite sports.

The objective of the ATHLETES 4 SOCIETY (full title “Empowering the Public Value of Sport through Athletes as Role Models) project is to inspire, support and stimulate sports organisations to increase the public value of sport. Specifically, by empowering sport organisations to develop policies, campaigns or programs that successfully put athletes to good use towards positive societal impact.

To learn more about the project go to the project website.

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